Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 3 and Day 4 Summary ... I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS


Hello there Bloggers and Welcome Back,

I wanted to give you a little summary if you will about my progress on the Whole 30 challenge so far.  I will give you fair warning... this is going to get personal.  If you would rather not know this much about me I would recommend abandoning this post now.  I repeat if topics of poop, periods, mood swings, etc. make you upset, this one is probably not for you. 

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 3

Oh boy day three.  For whatever reason day three came and wacked me over the face like a ton of bricks.  I was still feeling good the first couple days and since this is still the first week I am still in the "shiny new toy" phase of the challenge.  However, I woke up day three and immediately wanted to call off work and stay the heck home. 

I am serious, upon getting out of bed I was struck by how heavy my limbs felt, the pounding headache, and the overall urge to just give up on life.  I made my way to the restroom and realized that mother nature had also decided to bless me with my monthly gift.  So now add killer cramps and mood swings that make my husband duck and run for cover and this is how Day 3 starts.

I grudgingly stumble to the kitchen... make some eggs, eat about half of my plate then laid there for at least 20 minutes to the point I was going to be late.  So alas... day started....   There are two things that basically characterized my Day 3 experience.  A headache that WOULD NOT go away...  No matter what I took for it is barely dulled the symptoms.  As far as headaches go it wasn't a bad one, just kind of a constant dull throb that you couldn't escape from.  The second thing that pretty much dominated the day was how exhausted I was.  My brain was foggy all day, I couldn't think at work... Just pretty much existing. 

After work my lovely husband prepared dinner (pork burgers which btw were delicious) while I dragged my butt to a Zumba class.  I am going to be honest.  I had like 5 million conversations on the way over with myself.  You are eating so well.  You don't need to go workout EVERY day.  I mean it's ok to just skip one day right.  Nope.. wrong.  So I finish up shaking my booty and go home and collapse...

Day 4

I woke up this morning.  Like actually woke up.  Despite the fact that I only got 5 hours of sleep because my adorable husband insisted that we stay up late watching a Star Wars movie in honor of the 4th, I woke up only hitting snooze once (I world record for me) and was actually awake.  I have noticed that my energy is consistently high.  I don't have the spikes and lows that usually happen, which is A LOT better. 

Here is what else I have noticed that no one tells you before you start this thing.  Holy balls batman I practically LIVE in the bathroom.  Ok.. so I have never really been a regular pooper.  It wasn't unusual for me to go once every other day or so.  Well since Whole 30 that is no longer the case.  I honestly feel like all the junk and waste food buildup on the inside of my intestines has taken the opportunity to exit stage left in these last two days.  I am not exaggerating when I say I have been pooping at least 4 times a day.  When you add to that the 120 ounces of water I drink a day, I basically end up running to the bathroom every 15 min. So at least the work toilet and I are getting better acquainted. 

By afternoon of Day 4 though I can rejoice and proclaim that the headache is gone!  I am actually feeling a lot better.  I don't know if I am in the clear when it comes to these "withdraw like symptoms" they tell you to expect, but what I do know is that I am feeling 100 times better than where I was yesterday. 

So.. below you'll see some photos of what I've been eating/drinking over the last two days.  Also... special shout out to my ladies that are doing this with me.  I love our support group and it actually helps knowing that there is someone else suffering like I am ;) I'm kidding... but seriously... I am craving a margarita for Cinco De Mayo... but alas... not today my demon little craving voices... not today. 

Day 4 Lunch - Mixed green salad with grilled chicken and an avocado lime dressing.  Mixed fruit on the side This was actually the salad I prepped for Day 3, but left at home.  Oh well, still very tasty today.

Day 3 Lunch - Ok so because I accidentally forgot my salad at home I went to a local tienda where they also have a burrito café.  I asked the cooks to make me a burritos (sans the tortilla, beans, rice, cheese, and sour cream) the put my grilled check with onions and peppers over a bed of lettuce and topped with fresh tomatoes, avocados, limes, and hand made salsa. YUM!

Day 3 Breakfast - scrambled eggs with veggies and unsweetened apple sauce.  I wasn't feeling too hungry so I only ate about half the plate, but this is kind of becoming my go to breakfast.

Garlic and paprika grilled shrimp over a bed of smashed potatoes with garlic kale and sauerkraut.  I ate it with some home-made tarter sauce which was really tasty.  I agreed to try new things during this challenge and I tried kale.. I was not a fan.  But my husband loved it. 

My water bottle.  I am drinking 4 of these (32 oz. bottles) each day.  I love the quote on the front, it helps keep me motivated throughout the day. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Daaaaaayyyyyyyy 1: Week One Shopping List and Meal Prep

Good Morning Bloggers,

First, I want to state that it was my intention to get a post up on this yesterday.  However, we woke up with no power... which meant no internet... which meant no shopping list :(  But better late then never right?  Anyways below you will find my shopping list for Week 1 of my whole 30 challenge.  You will also find my meal list and schedule as well as the links for the recipes.  Finally, at the bottom you'll be able to read some of my ramblings if that's your style.  As always, if you have any questions let me know :)

Week 1 Whole 30 Shopping List

This week I wanted to keep the shopping list manageable.  I was also told my several 30 day challenge veterans to stick with the "traditional" recipes the first week, and save some of the more exciting and exotic ones for week 3 when the newness factor of the challenge has worn off.  So without further ado:

  • Asparagus
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Jalapeños
  • Lemon Juice
  • Lime Juice
  • Pico De Gallo
  • Onions (red)
  • Kale
  • Mixed Berries
  • Mushrooms
  • Lettuce Wraps
  • Spinach
  • Salad Mix
  • Avocados
  • Grapes
  • Oranges  
Meats and Protein
  • Chicken
  • Shrimp
  • Canned Salmon
  • Eggs (2 dozen)
  • Pork Chops
  • Pork Burgers
Spices and Other Ingredients
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil (Extra light tasting NOT Extra Virgin)
  • Applesauce (unsweetened and organic)
  • Coconut Milk
  • Pickles
  • Pickled Jalapenos
  • Parsley (fresh)
  • Dill (fresh)
  • Unsalted Butter (to make clarified butter)

Obviously, with the plan specifications you want to by as simple ingredient items as possible.  Check to make sure there are no added sugars.  If you are like my husband and I, on a budget, then you don't have to buy all organic products.  Focus on your meats first (buy the highest quality you can afford avoiding added hormones and overly processed) then your produce.  For your produce, if you have to peel it to eat it, it's less important that you get organic or chemical free.  But if it's something where you eat the skin you may want to look into an organic option. 

The meal schedule and plan is below.  If you would like to see the recipe you can find the links below the schedule. 

Meal Plan/Schedule

Recipe Information

Avocado Egg Salad: recipe here (I added pico, onions, jalapenos, bell peppers)
Grilled Chipotle Chicken: No recipe I just rubbed a Cajun spice run (check for no sugars for chemicals) on the tenderloins then pan fried in clarified butter with garlic. 
Olive Oil Mayo (Base for tarter and avocado lime dressing): recipe here (note: let egg and oil sit for 30 min to room temperature first)
Tarter Sauce: 1/2 cup of Olive Oil Mayo + 1 Tbsp minced dill pickles + 2 Tbsp fresh parsley + 2 Tbsp minced chives (fresh) + 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice + 1tsp pickle juice / mix all ingredients with a spatula in a bowl until blended, 30 min chilled before serving
Avocado Lime Dressing: 1/2 large avocado + 1 Tbsp lime juice + 1/4 cup olive oil mayo + 1 small garlic clove + 1/2 Tbsp jalapeno rings + 1 Tbsp of cilantro + 2 Tbsp of water / place all ingredients in blender and blend
BBQ Sauce:  recipe here

Chelsea's Ramblings

I think coming off of a complete lack of sleep last night, this morning I woke up feeling wholly unprepared and ready for this challenge.  Even though all day yesterday I was pretty psyched and excited, feeling more that prepared - somehow with the day arrived I felt inadequately prepared.  In reflecting, I think this is usual for me.  No matter how much time, knowledge, preparation, etc. that I have a little voice reminds me that I am not going to be good enough.  Well not today little voice!

I woke up this morning and had my avocado egg salad.  It was pretty tasty but I'll admit I was missing my overly sweetened coffee and toast.  I just accept that there will be some time needed for my taste buds to adjust.  Energy wise, I am noticing that all the veggies and fruits give me more clarity at work for longer periods of time.  Usually, by 10am I am hungry and reaching for some quick snack.  I still feel full and energized with the breakfast I had.  

I am going to try (round 2) of clarified butter tonight.  The first batch I made I think I had the initial heat too high and also used salted butter.  The foam on top was brown and not easily separated, so tonight I am trying again :)  Overall, feeling energized and excited for the challenge ahead.

As always thanks for reading and leave me a comment if you have questions. :)

Friday, April 29, 2016

An Introduction

Good Evening,

First off, thank you for taking time to read and follow along my journey.  I've recently been though some amazing leadership work and can't thank my amazing support system enough.

I joke all of the time but it is true... over the last 10 years I have lost and gained the same 50 pounds over and over again.  I've tried everything from weight watchers to low carb, juicing, fasting, etc.. Through Zarvos coaching I have had the opportunity to address the source of my food addition.  And quite honestly I don't think I have ever been in a better place when it comes to my own self image.  And while for the first time in my life I feel like I don't need to lose weight out of "necessity," self-loathing, or any other negative reason you can think of.

For the last two years or so I have been battling depression.  Something that I have felt ashamed of in the past.  Which is kind of silly when you consider that 1 in 4 people today suffer from some sort of mental illness.  Recently I have had the goal to eliminate the antidepressant drugs that I take.  But to do so I needed to make some serious health changes.  The biggest being the food that is on my plate.

A friend started sharing the Whole 30 diet with me.  At first I was skeptical.  You have to give up what?!?! No way, what do you eat? WHY?  Seriously, why would you do that? I mean food brings me so much joy... why would I want to give up all of my favorite things right?

But then I put away my humor and snark for a second.  And thought... do my eating habits really bring me joy?  Is it joyful that I can't preform at a level I'd like in my Zumba class?  Is it joyful that I suffer from mood swings, depression, PCOS, and high blood pressure all of which are weight related?  The more I thought the more I realized that my food cravings are practically running my life.  So I can the book a shot.... and honestly... mind blown! 

The book is called It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways  and you can find all the information you need at the website ( But the premise of the book is simple.  Take 30 days and reset you body with nutrition.  So... for the next 30 days: 
  • No added sugar: including all the artificial sweeteners and syrup 
  • No grains: yep... none 
  • No dairy: ghee is pretty much the only exception there 
  • No weighing yourself (with exception of the beginning and the end) 
  • No cheats... 
I am excited for the challenge but even more excited to reset my body.  The testimonials, science, and results behind the program are staggering, but I love that the challenge gives you help during AND after to help access how your body handles reintroduction of the foods.  IF you have questions let me know.  Thanks for joining me.  Some of my favorite quotes from the book from below.  


“How many times have you tried a new plan, bought new foods, and stuck to the new menu for a few
weeks, only to fall right back into your old habits—and old waste line? … You struggle with food
cravings, bad habits, compulsions, and addictions. You know you shouldn’t but you feel compelled to
eat these foods. Sometimes you don’t even want them, but you eat them anyway. And you have a hard
time stopping. All of which makes you feel guilty and stressed – and more likely to comfort yourself with more unhealthy food.”

"You may panic. You may thing, “No way I can do this.” You may say to yourself, “I cannot live without [fill in food].” We assure you, you can. And you will. We’ll walk you through it. And when you’re done, three things will happen. First, you will once again be able to appreciate the natural, delicious flavors(including sweet, fatty, and salty) found in whole foods. Second, the pleasure and reward you experience when eating that delicious food will once again be closely tied with good nutrition, satiation, and satiety – you’ll be able to stop eating because you’re satisfied, not just because you’re “full.” Third, you will never again be controlled by your food. Freedom."

"So let’s bring this one home for you younger folks. Chronic systemic inflammation plays a key role in more than just age-related diseases (heart disease, stroke, etc.). Inflammation contributes to a long list of conditions that you may be dealing with right now. Like asthma, allergies, acne, eczema, other skin conditions, depression, ADHD, and mood swings. Do we have you attention now?"

"Belly fat is especially active in this process (creating inflammatory compounds), contributing to inflammation more than fat stores in other areas – in other words my belly fat makes me more depressed, moody, etc."

"While we are all born with a certain code, we are also born with switches that tell that code what to do. Our environmental input (diet, exercise, air quality, etc.) activates those switches. Think about it this way: Genetics loads the gun, but environment pulls the trigger." 

"So what do you eat when you find yourself battling the sugar dragon? Anything BUT the sweet stuff. As Dallas likes you say, you can’t battle the sugar dragon outright – the only way to slay it is to starve it."